Start drooling with those inviting pictures?Step in to Restaurant Chin Chai,Malacca will do.. =)
Reminder:*7 days more to final exam*
I started to dream for France as my destination when i first watched a movie entitled The Duchess.I loves their costume at the first sight.I started to dream on one day i can really experience dress up the costume on myself like them.Although it is an old fashion or tradition type of wearing, but i always feel that the girl who wearing the dress looks glamorous.Of course, there are not only the tradition dressing fascinated me to visit France.Another reason i dream to step on the land of France is to pay a visit the famed Eiffel Tower.I feels that there is the romantic spot if you are there with your beloved."A lovely couple ambling around the Effiel Tower, and enjoying the night views of twinkling tower..a man voice out I LOVE YOU.."How do you feel? Furthermore, one of the famous production in France is chocolate.There's no doubt that everyone loves chocolate.In my personal opinion, chocolate always delighting a person's mood.Agree with me?Agree?Let's fly to France.. The dress I always dream to try on.
The chocolate from France.*drool*
Now, I am looking at the MAS picture. Future, I will be holding MAS's flight ticket to my dream destination.
Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 4
Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 5
Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 6
Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 7
Lastly, Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and
♥it's brightens up my day♥
Mary's "cake"(it's pie from secret receipe)
♥Group picture♥