Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A day with sushi

I ❤ sushi!
Most of the time, i will only visit sushi king during RM2 per plate promotion day because i feel that it's not worth to eat on normal day with normal price..hehe!I am caculative person.*i admit* So, lydia,viki and i plan for a home-made sushi!We suceeded, but the taste of the rice is kinda not-so-sushi-taste. Maybe we did not put enough vinegar.
Calrose rice
Bamboo mat
The above three materials are supplied from my brata, Edmund!
Before adding vinegar

After mixing up with vinegar
 Ways to handle rice!
  1. Cooked the calrose rice.
  2. Stired and mixed it with vinegar.
  3. Settled it a side to let it cold.
the ingredients for sushi
Rolling the sushi(my short hairstyle revealed)*tada*
chiang chiang...the outcome

the sushi in container is for our vinegar+calrose rice's supplier, edmund!!
Chefs of the day..from left-> viki,me,lydia
we end our day with smiley sushi!❤ (i made it..cutie??haha)